Monday 9 September 2013

Treatment: Clarity - Zedd ft. Foxes

  • Opens with a girl in her bedroom looking through a box of old photographs and memories. Close up of her hands flicking through pics. All images include a boy (them kissing, them at parties, on dates...)
  • Close up of a photo of them holding hands (picture in a frame) picture transitions into a shot of them walking holding hands.
  • Chorus: shot of them walking smashes and it cuts back to girl in her room smashing that photo. Glasses smashes in slow motion. Close up of her crying and lip-synching. Close up of broken glass on the floor.
  • She picks another photo of them at a party and we zoom into the pic which transitions to a wide shot of a party. Various shots of the party scene. Shot goes up in flames. Cut back to girl in room, burning the photo.
  • Interlude: pictures are being ripped, burned and thrown. Shots of her crying.
  • End: close up of the boy from the pictures looking directly into the camera, as if looking at her. His face rips in two, cut back to girl and she has finalised her thoughts by ripping up a picture of the boy's face.

The original music video, a very different approach to what I have in mind. This one is more to focussed around cool effects and green screening, and lots of lip-synching. My aim is to create more of a narrative.

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