Monday, 23 September 2013

Target Audience

In order to narrow down our target audience we have to look at demographics and psycho graphics. Demographics cover things like age, gender and social class. You can look at the JICNAR scale, which divides it up into to categories based on occupation, wealth and education.

 You then can divide the audience up into psycho-graphics, this is where the consumer is categorized in terms of their needs and desires. You can also look at what kind of TV they watch, their hobbies etc. and this will all help decide whether they are the right audience for your band.

Trying to define the band:

It is a young band in our music video so it attracts girls and also boys who want to look like them - they are almost like inspiration and role models for the boys.

The girl is going to be very attractive so this also grabs the attention of the boys.
Uni is an important part of the video which attracts and involves young people.  
The band that we are creating are going to be quite alternative and cool so this will attract other young and upcoming bands.  
The kooks are organic artists, so therefore we will make the band that we are creating organic. 
This attracts people who like organic and real artists compared to synthetic artists.
Therefore, someone like this for example: 

Name: Kitty O’Connor
Age: 18
Occupation: Student
Where do you live?
Right now, I live in Los Angeles with my family but I am originally from Bath.

What kind of music do you like?
Since living in America i’ve become more open to American style artists like Jay- Z and Kanye. But I really enjoy that British sound that comes from bands like The Arctic Monkeys and Two Door Cinema Club.

What about the band attracts you?
Other than the fact the boys are gorge? I love the idea that when a band like this performs it looks like it’s so chilled out and they do it more the music rather than the fame. That’s so much more likable.

Describe your perfect Friday night.
I’ve suddenly got really into going to house parties, it seems to be the thing you do in LA. Because the legal drinking age in America is higher you can’t get into clubs so everyone just has parties at their house. So my perfect Friday night would be going some chilled out concert, then going to a house party just when it starts to get really good.

1 comment:

  1. This is detailed and through blogging which demonstrates that you understand the need for a target audience. You have clearly identified the target audience for your band/artist. You have applied the demographic and psychographic profile well
    You have thought and applied clearly the VALS of your profiled target audience. Do consider and blog how this forms apart of the music industry markets according to genre and youth sub culture. Not only that but also consider potential markets for your campaign. This could be compared to real band/artists& their target audiences.
