Monday 2 December 2013

Band Website

Whilst Charlie and I have been mostly editing ,Maz has been slaving away making the draft of the website.It is already starting to look great.
 This is the first draft of the homepage for our band's website. There are obviously still changes to be made, for example we might be able to change the font a little so it is a bit more interesting.
 Here we have the band's tour dates complete with venue and location. Along the left hand side are a few casual photos of the boys.
 An "About Us" page gives the audience a little insight into the boys. On the right hand side is a personal favourite photos that was taken sort of by accident on the shoot day. I just love how chilled it is. It also portrays Harry as the leader of the pack, which is sort of fitting with the fact that he is the lead singer.
Finally, there is a page that gives the audience a contact detail for fan mail, an email address, as well has information about their record label and other ways to contact them (via Facebook, twitter etc.)

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