Thursday, 10 October 2013

Meeting with Scott

Today we had our meeting with Scott and we discussed our locations and sets with him. From this meeting we found out that our shoot date is the 15/11/13, which gives us time after half term to get ready and prepare all our props (because we have a lot)

Scott really liked the idea of shooting the performance element of our music video in Sophia's barn, after showing him photos he decided that he would have to go and check out the space in order to see the natural light and electrical sockets.

We have decided that the studio will be needed for the classroom scene, the graduation scene, dinner date scene and the bedroom scene.

After much contemplation we have decided to cut the marriage scene, the library scene and the hospital scene.

The library scene is just too similar to the classroom, and a bit too difficult to shoot.

The hospital scene is just very time consuming and also the question of, where do we get a real baby from? was brought up. So we cut that.

The marriage scene is another tricky one, shooting wise. So rather than having a full scene deicated to the marriage at the end of the dinner date scene the boy will propose to the girl.

We have also decided that the story line has to be linear, a non-linear storyline just doesn't make sense!

We showed Scott these mock ups of our set:

This scene however, is being cut.

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