Thursday, 8 August 2013

Skyping Interview with Simon Bradshaw

After analysing the previous covers, we had a skype interview with Simon Bradshaw - the lead in all three bands. We asked him a couple of questions, here is some of the feedback we got from him.

In regard to the recurring colour red:
-       All their favourite bands had one colour.
-       The ‘Marlowe Red’
-       He said they found the colour and thought ‘We quite like that’.
-       It was a way to try and tie in and keep the albums consequitive.

In response to the question: “Why no artist on the cover?”
-       They were never a “skinny indie band”
-       He was a primary school teacher in his mid 20s – it wasn’t cool.
-       All eight people in the band had very different looks.
-       They never looked that great, as there wasn’t a lot of coherence between the members.

Simon was in Testcard whilst in Marlowe at the same time, he just liked the idea of having a different electronic sound as well as the indie boy band vibe.

In response to question: “What does ‘Deep breathe fake air’ mean?
-       It was thought on whilst on a plane. He remembers seeing the hostess spray that aerosol into the air during the flight and he thought “I am essentially breathing in fake air.”

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