Thursday, 28 February 2013

Final Day of Editing

Today is the final day of editing and I am feeling confident that our finished product will look great. Today it will hopefully be put into HD and all the titles will be finalised. The voice over is sounding great and really adds a lot to the piece, as well as making it make sense! It was recorded in the studio reasonably quickly but sounds clear and I think it will be very effective. I'm really pleased with how far we have come since the beginning, and how we have miraculously managed to pull it together in time.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Updated Voice Over Script

"What is she looking at?"
"Can't she tell I'm not interested"
"Oh shit she's coming over."
"Oh...and she's sitting down"

"Why is she telling me this?"
"I really couldn't care less..."
"...She's not even that pretty"
"Average...I don't see the attraction"
"That ear..."
"(laughs) I could use that"

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Editing Session - 06/02/13

We are on our 3rd editing session and so far we have created about one minutes worth of footage roughly. In the previous sessions we were putting the shots in order but we realised that we have quiet a lot of long shots that tend to get a bit boring. So today we copied our sequence and put it in a new timeline so we can chop it up without worrying about losing any work. We swapped in some different shots we thought might work better and played around with timing. We muffled Lottie’s voice, which sounds awesome. The next step for us is definitely to decide what voice over we want as this will allow more of a structure to what we edit next.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

We've finished filming!

Hooray! At last we have had our shoot day and all shots have been taken. Now it's time for us to edit. Today, we logged on and traipsed through the heaps of footage we have. We sorted particular shots into bins to make our editing process easier and more manageable. We also renamed a few shots so that we knew which was which (rather than having 'shot 23, 24, 25. We had 'closeup of ear') This took quite a lot of time so we didn't manage to lay down much on the timeline, but I have high hope for our future editing. Onwards and upwards!